I feel that Chanel as a makeup brand, doesn’t receive as much limelight as some of the other luxury brands. This is not to say that there are some real gems among what is sometimes seen as a very safe range. Every time I have taken the time to browse at a Chanel counter, I have always found a pleasant surprise such as Soleil Tan De Chanel.
Soleil Tan De formerly known as Bronze de Chanel is somewhat of a niché product, something that is very rare in the makeup world.
I originally bought the product a year ago as a bronzer, to use when I did not fancy wearing foundation. I had no expectations of the product, but was pleasantly surprised at the performance, longevity and versatility it displayed.
I would say Soleil Tan De Chanel is one the best products Chanel has to offer. The main reason being that is is extremely versatile. It is useful to for bronzing the body and skin, with or without foundation, and it can be used as a base for bronzer or the latest trend contouring. It’s texture is very smooth and fool proof, it blends with complete ease. What I love the most about this product is the neutral bronze tone, this is rare to find in powder bronzers, but perfect for creating the perfect bronze contour sun kissed tone.
Top Tip: Use with a buffing brush over the forehead and in the contours of the cheeks and over the nose to create a golden sun kissed look, set with a bronzer powder or contour powder for increased intensity and longevity.